Tuesday, February 15, 2011

When Ashley loves it... I think it is worth sharing!

As I was trying to figure out what to make for dinner this evening a friend suggested a chicken recipe her family loves.  Here is her version:

Baked Chicken-pour italian dressing on top and put it in the oven for about 45 min....then top it with Parmesan cheese and bake for another 15 minutes.

Well I went to start cooking and you guessed it... no Italian dressing.  

So here is my version:

I took 5 boneless skinless chicken breast and seasoned well with Tony's, onion powder and garlic powder.  Then I placed them in a skillet with hot oil and seared until golden brown on both sides.  While they were cooking I mixed together in a bowl 1/2 cup Honey BBQ Sauce, 1/2 cup Ranch Dressing, 2 tsps.  Worcestershire Sauce and about 2 tbsp. of water and mixed well.  Once chicken was brown I placed them in a casserole dish and poured the sauce on top, covered and baked at 350 for 45 minutes.  Then I topped with Parmesan cheese, uncovered and baked an additional 15 minutes.

Wow!  So delicious!  The kids both LOVED it!  Well Brendan is a little Mikey, he will eat just about anything.  But for Ashley to say she loved it... then it is worth sharing!

Picture does not do it justice!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Does the drama EVER end? What is drama really? Let's talk about it!

So I had a a-hem "friend" tell me once that she didn't know how to be my friend because I had to much drama.

Never mind the daily phone calls that I would get from this same person complaining about her marriage day in and day out.


Who doesn't?  And what is your definition of drama?

My definition of drama is someone that is always trying to start things with other people, stirring the pot you might say.  I REALLY try not to create this type of drama!  Really I don't, I just want to live my life surrounded with my family and friends and have a good time.  Because you know what?  Life is too short not to enjoy it.

Now, if your definition of drama is listening to others complain about certain issues that may be going on in their life then I disagree.  To me, that is a FRIEND!

If you can't depend on your friends listening and giving their input on certain things then what are friends for?  To go out with have drinks, laugh, play and call it a day?  Well actually if we all got drunk then maybe we wouldn't care about the other issues in life, or what some may call drama.  Yes, we should have fun with our friends and not be serious all the time but you should be able to talk as well.  Maybe they have gone through something similar and can offer you advice since they have "been there done that".

I have problems with my kids, who doesn't?  I have problems with people from my past that just can't seem to leave me or my family alone.  Some people have problems with their jobs.  And when things happen I tend to find myself "venting" to my friends.  I would hope that you felt like you could vent to me if you were dealing with something and you just needed someone to listen.

I will be the first to tell you I get so tired of hearing from people that ONLY call when there are issues in their life.  I have gone to pick up the phone before and Matt will ask who it is and when I tell him he will say "wonder what's wrong now?!?!"

I am NOT that person!  I will call you to see how you are doing, send you a nice letter, a quick phone call or text but not only call when something is wrong.  If I am "that" person to you then PLEASE send me a nice message and tell me so I will be sure to correct myself.

See this post is a "vent" not drama.  Do you agree?  :)

Thanks Melissa!

So being a stay at home mom is not what it is cracked up to be.  Seriously if I had tons of money and could go out and shop and play all day then maybe it would be a different story.  But I don't so I can't.  Do not get me wrong I have PLENTY of things that I could do to keep me busy.  I own a photography company and I am always trying to think of ways to expand that and get my name out there but that is where my thinking stops.

For instance I have been THINKING about cleaning my office for about 2 weeks now because seriously it looks like a tornado ripped through here.  I HATE with a capitol H to file, it is my weakness.  Therefore I have papers all over the place, the good thing is if you were to ask me which pile something was in I could probably tell you.  I told myself today "Self you REALLY need to just get motivated and clean the office today"  Self hasn't listened so far because all I have managed to do is pick up a pile of papers off the floor straighten them and set them in a chair.  Hey, that is progress right?

I had EVERY intention of going to see a movie today while hubby is out of town.  Not that I couldn't go while he is in town but I thought I would "treat" myself this week while the kids are at school.  Guess what?  I TOTALLY forgot I was going to go until about 12:15 and by that point it was too late.  sigh  I should have marked it in the planner.  Who am I kidding, I didn't even look at my planner until 15 minutes ago.

A friend seriously just sent me this message:

 "Have you cleaned yet?"  

Ha Ha just wait until you read my blog working on it now.

See I will blog also, ANYTHING to get out of cleaning.  These papers are just glaring at me in the face!  QUIT LOOKING AT ME!

This is not even what this blog was supposed to be about so let's quickly get on that subject.  Thanks to my  dear sweet pretty friend Melissa I want to cry.  I suppose that maybe she waited 20+ (a-hem) years to get me back because my monkey shit on her.  Melissa I am really sorry that he did that, seriously thought all would have been forgiven by now!  Wow you can hold a grudge sista!

Another friend posted on my fb page today "Did Cain die today on Y&R"

Now if you know me you know this is the ONE thing I look forward to every single day during the week.  Crawling up in the bed with my hubby, because he is sucked in just as bad as I am, and we watch Y&R.  We can't miss it and God forbid if we can't watch it we double up the next night or we will have a marathon on the weekend.  I responded to her and said I had not watched it yet today.  And that is when Melissa chimed in and said "yes! he did!".

GASP OMG you just made me want to cry!  First of all Cain CAN'T be dead, he is one of the very few actors on that show that can actually ACT!  And let's face it girls.. he is major eye candy!

No honey I have never thought about him while getting it on with you.  Well, maybe just once.

I am so sad that Lily and the "twins", as she likes to call them, will be without this hot stud forever!  That is just not fair!  Now I will have to start crushing on Billy Abbot instead.  If they get rid of Billy, I will go with Nick and God forbid they both get cut who would that leave???  Jack always has this look as if the actor standing next to him farted and he can't breath so it wouldn't be him.  Victor ... nah too old for me.  Divon?  EWWWW we fast forward through most of his scenes as it is so no thanks.  Daniel, maybe if he got a haircut?  Kevin, nah.  Ooh Michael is pretty hot.

Anyway, we will worry about that if and when the time comes.

Now will you guys please sign a petition if I draw up one so we can get the writers to let Phylis just beat the shit out of Sharon?  That girl just gets on my last nerve!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Pictures can tell it all....

Since Ryder has started daycare we haven't seen him a lot so we were all excited when he came to visit one night last week.  I had the camera out and we had a great time!  So, here is Ryder's visit in pictures.

Such a cool dude!
 He loves the jumparoo!
 And he loves Ashley too!
 Okay, so he is too big for this but he has so much fun bouncing around!  :)
 Peek A Boo I see you!
 Blowing sugars to Ashley, little flirt.  ;-)
 Making sure Ashley was watching him. :)
 Time for blocks
 Cutie pie!
 Awe come on Mr. Matt do you HAVE to do that???
 Okay, let's play ball.
 Nah, I would rather read
 Why don't you read to me Mr. Matt?
 He wanted Ashley to join in on the fun
 He wasn't having much luck with balancing the ball on his head
 Uh Oh where did it go?
 There it goes again!
 Smart boy.. blocks are flat and easier to balance!
 Ashley trying to help him out.
 He said hes got this.
 Here Ashley I will put something on your head!
 Then we decided to hit instead :(
 I told him no no no don't hit  :(
 That made a sad boy :(
 I'm sorry but that face just cracks me up, poor ryder.
 Mr. Matt made it all better by reading to him.
 What's that Mr. Matt?
 The end.

We had a great visit and we look forward to many more!  :)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Isn't it REALLY about the food?

So the big day that all football fans look forward to is coming up soon!  It doesn't matter if *your* team is playing in the Super Bowl, if you are a football fan you watch regardless.

Since *my* team isn't in it this year, and has not been for a while now. *a-hem* then I will be rooting for the Packers to win it.  Typically I root for the underdog but I don't even really know who that would be this year.  I am sure if I asked Matt he would fill me in however since the Packers are in it I choose them.


Well for a couple of reasons.  #1 we lived in Wisconsin and we LOVED it with a capitol L!  We loved everything about Wisconsin especially the people we met there.  And those are some die hard Packers fans let me tell you!  (Matt and I went to a Packers game while there and greatly enjoyed that *our* Cowboys won the game)  So I would like to see them get this win.  #2 Matt Flynn plays for them and although he is the second string quarterback he's still on the team.  Matt Flynn was a great quarterback for LSU and although I haven't personally met his family his mom was sweet enough to send Brendan some cool things for his LSU decorated bedroom.  Thanks again Mrs. Flynn and to Aunt Nancy for helping with that. :)

But quite honestly this is the one day of the year that I say forget *normal* food, let's PIG OUT!

Every year I spend about a week trying to come up with our junk food fest menu.  There are usually pigs in the blanket, rotel cheese dip, and that is where my mind goes blank!  Last year we did a baked potato dip but I seem to have misplaced that recipe so Tracey if you are reading this will you please resend? Thanks, you are the best!

So tell me, what are your favorite pig out foods and which team will you be rooting for this year?

Here are some random *Cheese Heads* we met at the game we went too.  :)  Like I said, Wisconsin people are VERY nice!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Did you hear that? What? Where? HUH?

Yes I am a very paranoid person.  Not like the type person that thinks someone is always out to get them or following them type paranoid.  That would be crazy.  right?

No, I am just paranoid in the sense that if you tell me you will call and you don't call at the exact time you said you would I start to worry.  Like make myself want to throw up worry.

Matt says I watch too much tv.  I disagree!  I have to watch "I Survived" so I will know what to do if I ever get myself into any of those situations. DUH!

For example, Matt was at work yesterday and I called. TWICE.  No answer either time.  So then I sent a text "tried calling you but no answer call me when you can, not an emergency".  I said that but what that meant was CALL ME NOW BECAUSE I AM WORRIED ABOUT YOU!

Matt works in the HOOD and when I say the hood I mean it!  He likes to get to most of his stores early in the morning before the crazies start coming out to buy their beer in a sack and beg people for money.  So I worry about him.

I was just on the verge of texting him again to say if you are ok just text me back ANYTHING to let me know, but then I thought if someone shot him and stole his phone it could be them texting so how would I REALLY know it was him?  So then I was going to say text me your daughters middle name, because a criminal wouldn't be able to answer that!  DUH

I can already picture him lying in the ditch after being stabbed or shot and I am already trying to figure out if I will be able to hold it together when the police come knocking on the door.  Yeah, I actually went there.  But just as I was about to text him again the phone rings.  It is my hubby, I know this because the ring is Yoda telling me I better answer the phone.  That is hubby's special ring tone, because he is a Star Wars or Star Trek freak.  They are the same thing so I get confused, whatever.

And to make me feel so much better he proceeds to tell me in one of the stores he calls on that a customer stabbed the clerk with a screwdriver the day before.  Nice honey, I feel soooo much better now!

My neighbors should love me as well because I promise you if I hear ANYTHING outside I am looking to see who and what it is and watch to see what they are doing.  I live on a cul-de-sac so we don't get a lot of traffic and my office is at the front of the house so I pretty much hear anytime someone comes on the street.

I have gotten into trouble for this before.  Long story short I used to work at a large place of business and the CEO lived across the street from me.  It was a single lady, she would come home every evening pull into the garage and close it.  ALWAYS!  Well she was moving and asked if I had any boxes from when we moved in.  Well sucking up of course I said yes.  She asked that I bring them by that evening if I didn't mind.  Well I saw her come home at around 6 but I didn't make it over there until around 7:30.  (I wasn't watching for her to come home but my front door was glass so I could see without "watching")  As I am walking over I thought to myself it was odd that her garage door was open and her mail was sitting on the back of her car.  There was also a strange truck in the driveway I had never seen before.  I knocked on the door, no answer.  So I sat the boxes in the garage and went home.  At 11 pm that evening I was up cleaning (my parents were coming the next day and I get all OCD when they come) and I noticed nothing had changed at her house.  So I went and knocked on the door, no answer.  Ok, this story is getting to long but I called work had them call her and she was fine.  Point is she was PISSED that I did that!  WHAT?  OMG if you had been kidnapped or inside the house dead it could have been days before anyone knew.  I thought she was lucky to have me as a neighbor!  As.if!  She never spoke to me again and avoided me at all cost, my boss was pissed at me to!

I guess the moral of this story is only worry about yourself and your family but screw your neighbors?  Who am I kidding... I would do it all over again... what is that?  Did you guys hear that?  Hang on I have to go investigate.

PS Matt's cousin had her house broken into yesterday in Tyler, TX.  They took computers, tv's, her sons Wii and all the games and other things.  Thank God nobody was home and the creeps didn't hurt her animals but her 9 year old son was the first one home to discover all this missing.  I can't imagine the feeling of coming home and seeing all that.  PLEASE protect you, your family, your pets and your belongings with an alarm system.  It is less than $35 per month!  It will even save you a little on home insurance.  JUST DO IT!

Monday, January 24, 2011

This is for the ladies! Only because men can't relate AT.ALL!

Yep, this blog is actually about what all of us ladies deal with and dread every.single.month.  

Do I even really need to spell it out?  I didn't think so.

So I have always thought this was just some kind of cruel and usual punishment for women.  

God you're a righteous man and I love you but REALLY?  


Every month it comes and every month I moan and groan about it thinking didn't I just see you two weeks ago?  Oh, it was a month?  Sure doesn't seem like it.  Well in that case welcome back. NOT!

We have had all the kids we plan on having or not planning on having because it just isn't happening again.ever!  So now I find myself every.single.month praying to God to please let me go through menopause just so I don't have to deal with all of this anymore.  I know I know that will just create a new batch of issues but you know what I wouldn't have to buy these stupid tampons anymore!

What is it with those things anyway?  They cost a small fortune and one box is NEVER enough to get through the whole week so you have to buy two.  It is a conspiracy I tell you!  Honestly they could charge you whatever the hell they want to because you MUST have them.  I wish I could invent something that every single woman on the planet MUST have at least once a month.  CHA CHING!

And not only do I have to buy them for me it is becoming very close to the time my daughter will start needing these as well.  GASP Please say it isn't so!  But reality is it could happen anytime soon.  Then we will be buying FOUR boxes of these things.  

Seriously need to consider going to Sam's for these soon.  

Loudspeaker Woman:  Hey Marv can I get a prize check on the super size box of Ultra Absorbent Playtex Tampons 1,000 count?

Thanks lady this just isn't embarrassing enough!  

And have any of you heard that girls are starting to get their periods earlier and earlier in life?  Someone told me not long ago of an 8 year old that started!  E.I.G.H.T.!  Wth?  That poor girl!  I have read that it has to do with the hormone injections they give cows.  Ashley.. PUT THAT MILK DOWN NOW!  And no, you can't have a steak, or a hamburger, or a slice of roast or anything else that comes from a cow.  

Not because I think it is bad for you, I just can't afford all those extra tampons right now!

I think I need a part time job.

Okie dokie, well I have spoken my peace about this little issue now I have to go eat all the chocolate I can find in the house.  IF that damn "not me ghost" hasn't eaten it all.  PIG!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Slippery When Wet

It was 1987 and I was 15 years old.  Bon Jovi was coming to Shreveport!  GASP  I LOVED Bon Jovi and I mean the obsession was totally out of control!  I had a guy from high school tell me not long ago on fb that is the only memory of me... me and a bon jovi jacket I would wear.  I know how to leave an impression right?

I BEGGED my parents to let me go with some friends, I didn't win that "fight".  I was too young yada yada, which is honestly exactly what I would tell my kids when they are 15.  Maybe another year and it would have been different.  I cried and I cried and I cried.  I hated listening to EVERYONE at my school talking about going to the concert that day because I truly felt that I was the ONLY kid that would not be at this concert and it broke my heart.

I was a "latch key kid" so every day when I got home I would call mom just to let her know I was home.  I can remember this phone call as if it happened this morning:

Hi mom I am home.

Okay, well get your homework done because Daddy is wanting to go to a basketball game tonight and he was going to take you.  And change your clothes, but don't wear a short skirt or anything because you will be climbing up bleachers.

Yes ma'am.

So dad got home and off we went.  We ended up eating at a restaurant across the street from Hirsch, I think it may have been ElChico's??  This broke my heart even more, thanks dad for bringing me to a restaurant where I can look out the window and see ALL my friends going into Hirsch for what is surely to be the BEST concert EVER!  Then this conversation started:

Big Girl I think we should go over to the stadium and we will stand in line but when we get to the front I will just push you in through the gate.

Yeah right Big Daddy!

No, seriously I think we can do it.

Uh huh sure I WISH!

Big Girl I am telling you it will work.

Big Daddy it won't work I would get caught, you are so funny.

So he paid the check and off we go to the basketball game.  Except we turned... into the coliseum parking lot.  My heart kind of skipped a beat.  I asked what we were doing and he said I told you I am going to push you through.  So we start walking up and get in line and he is still insisting that he is going to just push me through the line.  To this day I never know when to take my dad serious.

We get to the front and my heart is just racing and then it STOPPED when he pulled out 2 tickets for the concert!  Now normally on any other day I may have been slightly embarrassed to be 15 and at a rock concert with my dad but honestly it never crossed my mind.  The only thing that did was my dad is COOL!  I knew he didn't really care for the opening acts but he sat there and grinned because he knew that I was the happiest kid ever that night.  But when Bon Jovi hit the stage I think he actually uncrossed his arms and I may have even caught a foot tapping on the floor to the music.  :)

A year or two later Bon Jovi came back to Shreveport and my best friend and I went, but I can PROMISE you I thought of Big Daddy that night!

PS   To this day I am not sure why my mom told me not to wear a short skirt, I think Jon Bon Jovi would have loved that!  :-)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"Meatloaf, smeatloaf, double-beatloaf. I LOVE meatloaf."

For the first oh 4-5 years that Matt and I were married he swore up and down and back and forth that he HATED meatloaf!  Therefore I never cooked it.  Until one day I said you know what.. I want meatloaf and I am fixing it!  So.there.period.  And I made it, then a meatloaf monster was born.  O.M.G. burned me out on meatloaf!  But he told me that mine was better than his moms, which is why he swore he hated it, so I still cook it for him. :)  This is another meal that doesn't cause eye rolls, sighs, or grunts because the kids love it also.

This is so freaking easy it is almost crazy!

First start with 2lbs. of ground beef, I buy 85/15 for this so it doesn't have as much grease.  Again, please "smoosh" the meat so it doesn't look like worms!  I think smoosh is my new favorite word.  With the smooshed meat in a bowl add:

1/2 tsp of salt and pepper
1 tsp of onion powder (you can use real onions but my hubby HATES them, weird I know)
1 tsp of garlic powder
2 tbsp of Worchestireshire Sauce (did I spell that right?  Yeah, neither can you so hush!)
3 slices of white bread chopped WELL  (big chunks of bread in your meatloaf is gross, just sayin', you could even use Italian bread crumbs)
1/2 cup ketchup

Now that you have all that in a bowl just stick your hands in there and go to town and mix well.  You may want to have some warm water running for when you are done because your hands will be COLD!

Now I swear I did take a picture of the mixture and somehow managed to delete it off my phone.  I blame Verizon because I don't make mistakes.  As if.

Remember the bread I was talking about?  Here is a picture of how fine I get it:
I use my handy chopper to do this, no really that is what it's called!

So once you thaw out your hands put mixture into a baking dish top with more ketchup cover with foil and cook at 375 for 45 minutes.

After 45 minutes remove from oven CAREFULLY, grab another set of hands and have them use a spatula to hold the meatloaf in the pan while you tilt it over the sink to pour out any grease.  And there will be grease, see:

Then put back in the oven without covering for another 15 minutes.

And there you go, another VERY easy recipe that even my husband could make.  Love you honey!

I personally love the edges.  :)

And if your kids won't eat it just ask them how piggy's eat.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Spaghetti for Dummies

Everyone can cook spaghetti right???

Well I used to have a roommate that couldn't make a grilled cheese sandwich so I am going to say it is probably not far fetched to say that not EVERYONE can make spaghetti.

Now this is a meal that I must make at least every other week or my kids would behead me.seriously!  It is the 1 thing I can cook and I do not get one moan, groan, sigh, roll of the eyes or any other do we really have to eat this gesture.

Well I used to watch my mom cook spaghetti but she would actually buy tomato paste, tomato sauce, yada yada yada....

Don't get me wrong it was DELICIOUS but who really has time for that or feels like doing that work after working at their job all.day.long?

So here you go, an easy "recipe" that your family will love and you should even have enough left over to freeze that way you won't have to make the sauce the next time.

(Sorry in advance for the bad quality of pictures, I was taking them with my phone camera)

First up browning your ground beef, I always buy 80/20.  I add a little garlic powder and onion powder while cooking for added flavor.  And if you buy the meat that looks like "worms" then PLEASE "smoosh" it up ... I can't stand browning the meat like that because for the very reason I referred to it for looking like worms.  And nobody likes chunky meat in their spaghetti either so chop that meat up!

Strain the meat after fully cooking to drain the grease then return to pan.

Are you ready for my next big secret ingredient?

Yum, that is it Hunt's Garlic & Herb, Hunt's Traditional and Classico Tomato and Garlic.  YUMMO!

After adding these to the meat I stir well then I will another secret ingredient:

This stuff is GREAT!  Has all the basic Italian spices in this so you don't have to buy a bunch of different ones.  I also toss in a little more garlic and onion powder and stir well.

It is seriously that EASY!  Just cover and simmer while your noodles are boiling (just follow package instructions) and viola you have a great meal that your family will think you slaved over for hours!

Throw a little grated parmesan on top, or in my case a LOT, and enjoy!

The next time you have company coming over and they suggest take out because you are the non cooking friend... surprise them all with this.  It is seriously fool proof!

Monday, January 17, 2011

Please respect my personal space

I know that I can not be alone on this pet peeve of mine.  It is enough to drive a person insane!  This has to rank on the top of my pet peeves list, do you have any idea what it may be?  Well I bet you do from the title.

People that get too close in line!

Why do people feel it is necessary to be all up in your business when you are in a check out line?  About a week ago Matt and I were at Wal-Mart with all the other fools buying the last gallon of water because we were supposed to get a little ice and snow. OH MY!  Actually we just needed food.

While in line the person behind me bumped the back of my foot with their buggy.  I did not even turn around, accidents happen right?  The second time it happened I let out a huge sigh (seriously I think people 3 rows over looked at me).  Apparently the person standing behind me did not understand this gesture so the 3rd time they hit me I simply placed my foot on their buggy and shoved it backwards into them.  Don't tell me they didn't deserve it!  I heard a faint "I'm sorry".  She did not hit me again so I considered it a success, really hate I had to get ugly though.  REALLY I do!  So why is it people in lines feel the need to get so close?  Do they think they will have someone cut in front of them?  Do they think they will be able to check out quicker?  I may never understand but if you are a close follower in lines, please stop!

While we are on the subject of pet peeves here are some more of mine:

People that won't stay off their cell phones during a movie!  Did you not see the nice ad that said "Please turn off your phone?"  Ooh that's right you were too busy looking at your phone to see it.  If you want to stay on your phone through the movie then why are you there?  The light is very annoying to the people sitting behind you.  I once told a young girl, probably early 20's, can you PLEASE tell whoever you are texting that you are in a movie and you will text them when it is over?  I got a simple yes ma'am and she turned if off.  Sometimes that is all it takes.

Speaking of movies... I hate when adults bring kids to movies that are clearly to young to be seeing them.  Matt and I went to see The Focker's movie and there was a boy sitting in front of us with his mom.  I would guess that he was maybe 10 or 11 years old.  I was so embarrassed when they were talking about sex and masturbating in the movie because this kid was in front of me that I couldn't even enjoy the movie.  (Not sure I would have regardless but you get the point.)  There were parts that I want to reach up and cover his ears, but again with the personal space.

Why do people post 100,000 status updates on fb within an hour time frame?  Is it REALLY necessary?  If you have that much to say then start a blog.  I did, you can too.

Why do people put things on fb like "O.M.G. I can't believe that just happened?"  Leaving me thinking WHAT?  WHAT HAPPENED????  I really want to ask but then another nosy person beats me to it only to get the response "I will text you".  Oh no you didn't!  If you are going to get people so worked up then you need to fill us in.  Otherwise keep it all to yourselves!

Why is it every time Matt and I pay good money for a babysitter to have a nice quiet dinner alone we ALWAYS get stuck sitting next to the worst baby or kids in the world??  Never.fails.  I am sure people feel the same way about my kids when we take them out.  Especially when we were at Chili's the other night and Ashley "flicked" a piece of crayon across the restaurant and it hit a little boy on the back of the head!  Yeah I don't think mom and dad saw it, thank goodness!

Ok, well those are just a few of my pet peeves.  What are yours?

Friday, January 14, 2011

You should REALLY keep some information to yourself....

About 6 months ago I had someone tell me something that I just can't seem to quit thinking about.  Obviously this is just disturbing me or otherwise I would not give it a second thought.  Now I try really hard not to judge people because .. well have you met me?  I am by no means perfect at all and I know this, but I know when to keep some information to myself.  Are you ready to know what it was that has me disturbed? 

They told me...

They brush their teeth in the SHOWER!  GASP

I know right?!?!?!

Now if you are thinking *that isn't really disturbing Connie* then you need to think about this statement just a little longer, I mean REALLY think about it!

Here are the reasons I think this is something to be disturbed about:

1)  You are spitting toothpaste into the bottom of the shower which you are standing in.  I don't care if it is minty fresh it is still gross.  (ok, honestly I didn't even think about this one myself but a friend of mine pointed this out, it was the first thing she thought of.  So obviously it is something that should be included.)

2)  Are you REALLY sure that your husband, boyfriend, partner or kids are NOT peeing in the shower??  I mean are you REALLY sure?  If you are only 99.9% sure then that is just not sure enough!

3)  You are brushing your teeth in the same small area that you are washing your a-hole!  And not only your a-hole but your husband, boyfriend, partner and kids are too.

4)  What if you drop your toothbrush, don't tell me that couldn't happen!  Have you seen the hairs that collect in a shower?  They are not ALL from your head.  just sayin'

Is there really any point in saying anymore? 

I didn't think so.

So, if you happen to be one that brushes your teeth in the shower and you think it is normal, it is NOT normal and please stop.  Put the toothbrush back by the sink please. 

And PLEASE if you do this, do not try and justify it because there is no possible way I will EVER think this is something you should do. EVER

Also, friends and family if you do this I really don't want to know. 

Thank you for stopping by and I love to hear your comments.  If you would like to add to the *why you should not brush your teeth in the shower* list please feel free.  Maybe we can somehow make shower brusher's (yes I know that is not really a word)  understand that this is NOT ok!   :-) 

While googling to find a picture to use I discovered there is actually a FB page for people that brush in the shower!  REALLY?  Are there that many in the world that they need a FB page???  I am going to puke now!

If you want to check out the page then here you go:


Thursday, January 13, 2011

More random thoughts because I REALLY don't feel like cleaning!

Tonight is Bunco!  Can I get a woot woot?!?!  Thank you very much.. now stop that seriously between you raising your hands and hollering woot woot at work they really might start wondering about your mental status.  (unless you read my blog where I asked you to raise your hand you won't *get* that part)

Anyway, I am really just sitting here stalling.  If I would just clean what needs to be done I would be through in less than an hour but I JUST DON'T FEEL LIKE IT!  Wait am I becoming my kids because that is what they always tell me when I ask/tell them to clean their rooms. 

Would you like to hear some really random things about my life?  I didn't think so... thank you for stopping by.  For those of you that are just stalling from cleaning or working you can continue to read.

1)  I get addicted to things REALLY easy.  I am not sure which parent I may have gotten this from.  Hmmm I will have to think about that one harder.  Some of my current addictions are:

     a) words with friends - have you not played this game?  O.M.G. so much fun, even better when you can
         win!  I actually bought an IPod touch just to play this game, seriously I don't have 1 song on my IPod
         and I bought this over a month ago! 
     b) word feud - are you starting to see a pattern?  This is a game I can play on my phone because I can't
          get a stupid IPhone with Verizon.  I know I know they JUST announced they are getting it, 4 months
         AFTER I bought the Droid Incredible.  But let me just say I LOVE this phone and now that I have my
         IPod touch I really don't need the IPhone.  (the blackberry storm SUCKS people, do NOT buy it!)
     c) online bunco - I only have one person to thank for my newest addiction, you know who you are.  She
         tells me to play this game, which I follow orders so I am, and now I am on level 7.  She is still on level
         0.  Guess who got more hooked?

I get addicted to restaurants really easy too.  I mean if you find something you like why not stick with it huh?  I will tell you why, because you will burn yourself out QUICK!  And if you don't get burned out your spouse will start rolling their eyes every time you mention it.  Some of the places I am or have been addicted too:

     a) Wing Stop.  Now this place is AWESOME with a capitol A!  Come on they sprinkle a little sugar on
          the fries and you can get nacho cheese sauce to dip them in.  HEAVEN!
     b)  Popeye's - This is no surprise to most people.
     c)  Chili's - We would seriously be in trouble if they built a Chili's in Clinton.  I LOVE it, luckily Matt
          loves it too and isn't burned out on it, yet.  Side note about Chili's, Ashley HATES going there.  If we
          want to go somewhere to eat and she says she hates it then we respond "ok we will go to Chili's" and
          then she will suddenly be ok with the other place.  works.like.a.charm.

How I became addicted to photography.  Ok, I have ALWAYS loved photography.  I still have the first camera my mother ever gave to me.  But what really sent my passion over the edge was a friend that got married a few years ago.  She found out the day before the wedding that her photographer wasn't coming.  This is probably every brides worst nightmare!  She had just bought her husband a really nice Nikon for Christmas so I said well if I can use his camera then I will do it.  And being that she wasn't paying me I felt zero pressure, I just *winged* it.  And that my friends was the day I knew I wanted to be a photographer.  Thank you Gretchen and Andrew for helping me realize my dream! 
Here are a couple of pictures from my first *job*:

The wedding party:

The flower girls and ring bearer:

More useless facts about me:

Matt and I met online in a Shreveport Chat room.  Remember those?
We were married within the year.
We are in our 6th house and we will be married 12 years next month.
Our kids are the most important people to us and we love them 110% but they drive us INSANE!  If you say your kids don't drive you insane you are lying, you only have 1, or they are still babies.  Give it time.
I hate being in front of a camera, I get this from my dad.
I wish I was OCD.  I mean have you ever been to a persons house that is OCD?  HELLO!  Spotless!
I hardly ever wash my car.  Isn't that what rain is for?  This drives my dad INSANE! 
But in my defense I hardly ever drive my car. 
Being a stay at home mom is not all it is *cracked up to be* (and if you disagree then let me know and I will write another blog explaining this in more detail)

Ok, wake up now, wipe the drool off that is running down your face on to your desk. 

Thanks for stopping by today and you are probably a little dumber now just for reading this, my apologies.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The day the police invaded our house

 A couple of weeks ago we decided to go see a movie.  It has become wonderful since the kids are now old enough to see what they want while Matt and I go see what we like.  So this day we went to see the 100th Fockers movie.. or so it seems like it was.  Time to lay that movie to rest.

About half way through the movie Matt's phone went off, Oklahoma number, hmm don't know who that is so just ignore it.  Until the 3rd time they called I said you better see who it is since they won't stop calling.  He walks out of the theatre, wish EVERYONE would do that, and comes back and said our home alarm was going off.  Apparently the back door came open. 

So, do we need to leave what are they doing? 

He said the police were there and they said every thing looks fine. 

WHAT???  Now I KNOW the first thing that should have gone through my head was thank GOD nobody was in the house and everything was ok.  But what ACTUALLY went through my head was..  The POLICE have gone through our house????  But we didn't make the bed (which we never do because really what's the point?)  and there is laundry on the bedroom floor and did we do dishes today or is the sink full too? 

UGH the Clinton Police are going through our dirty house and I am not there to apologize for the mess!  But then again if I were there the alarm wouldn't have gone off.  We live in a small town folks and I don't need people to know I didn't make my bed or that there was laundry on the floor or there may have been dishes in the sink!  I really don't like people judging me!

Probably the funniest part to this story.. when we arrived home I told Matt to go inside and check it out before the kids and I went in.  Of course I am giving him the run down.  Be sure to look in the pantry, behind clothes in the closet, make sure the attic door in Ashley's room is locked, check in the tub, check in the clothes dryer ok so I didn't take it that far!  But what cracked me up was when he finally walked back out to give us the all clear he was holding the largest kitchen knife we own.  Yeah, good thing our imaginary robber didn't have an imaginary GUN!  Wait just a minute... wonder if the "not me ghost" got bored and wanted to go outside?  (for those of you that haven't read that story we have a ghost!)

Well now our house is clean and I am REALLY tempted to set the alarm off so the fine police officers of Clinton, MS can go back and tell everyone we must of just been having a bad day! 

Seriously friends and family... if you do not have your home protected by a security company DO IT and do it NOW!  It will give you such a peace of mind that you, your family, pets and belongs are being well guarded!  It is soooo worth the $35 a month!  (and after 2 years that is reduced to $19.99, I am starting to sound like a commercial)

I did a lot of research and pricing inquires before we decided on a company and we chose Pro Tech Security located in Madison, MS.  Their installers were nice and professional, they cleaned up the mess before they left and we did not pay a PENNY for the install.  Please give them a call if you are looking for a company to keep your family safe!

or visit them on facebook at:
I did not get paid anything to give their information, we just love them that much!