Friday, January 14, 2011

You should REALLY keep some information to yourself....

About 6 months ago I had someone tell me something that I just can't seem to quit thinking about.  Obviously this is just disturbing me or otherwise I would not give it a second thought.  Now I try really hard not to judge people because .. well have you met me?  I am by no means perfect at all and I know this, but I know when to keep some information to myself.  Are you ready to know what it was that has me disturbed? 

They told me...

They brush their teeth in the SHOWER!  GASP

I know right?!?!?!

Now if you are thinking *that isn't really disturbing Connie* then you need to think about this statement just a little longer, I mean REALLY think about it!

Here are the reasons I think this is something to be disturbed about:

1)  You are spitting toothpaste into the bottom of the shower which you are standing in.  I don't care if it is minty fresh it is still gross.  (ok, honestly I didn't even think about this one myself but a friend of mine pointed this out, it was the first thing she thought of.  So obviously it is something that should be included.)

2)  Are you REALLY sure that your husband, boyfriend, partner or kids are NOT peeing in the shower??  I mean are you REALLY sure?  If you are only 99.9% sure then that is just not sure enough!

3)  You are brushing your teeth in the same small area that you are washing your a-hole!  And not only your a-hole but your husband, boyfriend, partner and kids are too.

4)  What if you drop your toothbrush, don't tell me that couldn't happen!  Have you seen the hairs that collect in a shower?  They are not ALL from your head.  just sayin'

Is there really any point in saying anymore? 

I didn't think so.

So, if you happen to be one that brushes your teeth in the shower and you think it is normal, it is NOT normal and please stop.  Put the toothbrush back by the sink please. 

And PLEASE if you do this, do not try and justify it because there is no possible way I will EVER think this is something you should do. EVER

Also, friends and family if you do this I really don't want to know. 

Thank you for stopping by and I love to hear your comments.  If you would like to add to the *why you should not brush your teeth in the shower* list please feel free.  Maybe we can somehow make shower brusher's (yes I know that is not really a word)  understand that this is NOT ok!   :-) 

While googling to find a picture to use I discovered there is actually a FB page for people that brush in the shower!  REALLY?  Are there that many in the world that they need a FB page???  I am going to puke now!

If you want to check out the page then here you go:

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