Sunday, January 9, 2011

Going on a Ghost Hunt!

Here it is folks, I have a ghost in my house and the little sucker is really starting to piss me off.  If you are scared of ghosts then you might want to stay away from here, he's a sneaky little bastard!  And yes, I am assuming this ghost is a *he* because only a male ghost would be so sneaky.  Plus you have to be a male to be a bastard right?

This ghost actually seems to follow us from house to house because he's been around for a while.  When we moved back from Wisconsin I told the movers to be on the look out but I will just assume they were lazy and packed him in a box anyway.  Thanks random mover dudes, and to think I bought you lunch.  Bastards.

It seems this ghost has been pretty lazy lately but has decided to come out and play here in the past few weeks.  Do ghost hibernate like bears?  Anyway, about 3 weeks ago it happened and it scared the shit out of me.  Ok not literally but you get the point.  Matt went to the store and as we were unloading and putting away I saw him put a package of Chips Ahoy (yum) on the very TOP shelf in the kitchen cabinet.  Well he did that obviously to keep the kids out of them so we might possibly be able to enjoy 1 maybe even 2 before the little pigs ate them all.  Yes I called my kids pigs, don't judge! 

The next night after dinner we decided to get a couple of those tasty cookies.  I went in the kitchen stood on my tippy toes.. who am I kidding.. I had to grab a pair of tongs THEN stand on my tippy toes and grunted really loud stretching my body to get the cookies. 

Success they were in my hands, but wait!  They were opened!  MATT DID YOU OPEN THE COOKIES?  Gasp.. missing cookies?  He responded no and I said in a very sarcastic tone (because I have that tone down pat so why not use it!) well SOMEONE has eaten some!  My husband, God love him, went in the bedroom with the package of cookies and started counting and comparing to the serving size on the back he discovered there were 6 missing cookies!  (insert sarcastic tone)  WHO HAS BEEN EATING THE COOKIES????  Both kids, I mean pigs, reply not me at the same exact time.  Well someone has been eating the cookies!  We actually did consider the fact that maybe, just maybe someone was at the store and got really hungry, opened the cookies and took 6 out and ate them.  NAH who would do that??

Then it happened again with a whole package of mini Twix Matt put in my stocking.  Gone.poof.disappeared and I did not even get 1!  Has ANYONE seen my Twix?  Again at the same time I hear the pigs respond NOT ME!  I also received a big bag of peanut M&Ms in my stocking that had 8 mini bags inside.  Do you know how many of those I got?  1 yep 1 bag and again I asked the pigs, did you eat my M&M's?  It's like they practice this because again at the same time I hear NOT ME!  Then it happened again yesterday morning and apparently this ghost has a sweet tooth!  Long story short, made cinnamon rolls and had 4 left I went to eat mine in my bedroom then 15 minutes later I came back and the ghost had eaten the remaining 4 cinnamon rolls!  The kids had already gotten their cinnamon rolls so I know it couldn't have been them.  I keep trying to tell this ghost he is going to explode at some point but he just doesn't seem to be listening.  Yup, a chocolate loving, cinnamon roll eating ghost that is also hard headed. 

Great just what I need, another *person* in this house that doesn't listen!

Now I don't want to freak you fellow chocolate lovers out but if you haven't heard the price of chocolate is going to sky rocket soon and I am talking to the moon high!  Supposed to get so expensive that I might even have to resort to buying the fake stuff, or sell a kidney to support my habit but whatever the case I wish that stupid ghost would!  Are you reading this not me ghost? 


Apparently ghosts like ice cream also.  May be a good thing I can't figure out how to buy ice cream at Wal-Mart stand in their stupid long lines (that could be a whole other blog) get to my car and load it then get home without the ice cream melting.  So I just don't buy it.  Good thing because the bastard would probably eat that too!

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